What Anime Does the Protagonist Learn Martial Arts by Being Attacked
Martial Arts are awesome. Now I'm probably biased every bit a Martial Artist, but let's be honest, everyone loves a proficient martial arts showdown, information technology'southward why MMA is and then pop and why so many protagonists (who take the best quotes btw) are martial artists in their own right.
For this list, we're going to focus on anime that are more realistic, with a strong accent on more accurate technique and styles. And then, let's see the superlative 10 animes that really go into the gritty world of hand to hand fighting and martial arts.
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29+ Best Action Manga To Read (Recommendations)
29+ Best Action Manga To Read (Recommendations) Hey guys! Welcome back! Today, I came upwardly with an exhilarating topic for my otakus. I bet y'all know that information technology'due south the All-time Action Manga considering that's what you lot searched for, LOL! I know we all love Japanese comics as they are simply exceptional and unbeatable when it
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11. Dragon Brawl

Ok, I'm getting this 1 out of the way early, but hear me out. While Dragon Ball Z and Super are more virtually the flashy energy attacks and screaming, the original Dragon Ball series had a much larger focus on the martial arts. The series was based on the archetype Journeying to the West and done in the mode of an one-time school Kung Fu picture, with over the top villains and techniques.
This testify is a lot of peoples first show on their anime journey, including mine and it's got bully mitt to manus (for the most function) martial arts combat.
10. Sword of the Stranger

This 1 is also adulterous a footling bit, but that'southward because information technology'south a flick and non a series. Sword of the Stranger isn't too well known, but if yous have to see 1 part of information technology, information technology has to be the last fight scene. That scene might simply be the best swordfight in all of anime. Beautifully drawn and choreographed with not merely an interesting dynamic betwixt the 2 combatants but their swords too.
The two fighters are from Nippon and China respectively, so we get a unique battle betwixt a Katana and a Kung Fu sword. It'south a unique dynamic y'all'd exist hardpressed to find anywhere else and makes this movie something you must bank check out.
ix. Afro Samurai

Afro Samurai is a cult archetype among anime fans and it fits perfectly into that archetype. Afro Samurai is a niche anime with a unique style of not only art work, only also humor and writing.
In terms of its combat, Afro Samurai has a ton of variation. The show starts off with the classic "one guy absolutely dominates a group of amateurs who don't know any better" fight and information technology'south smart enough to non just continue doing that similar lesser shows.
The way that Afro Samurai keeps people excited to watch is by changing up the styles in which people are fighting. Afro sticks to his samurai style with his Katana, obviously but he faces off against a ton of other styles, similar ninjas and fencers. This variation keeps the show exciting and shows off a ton of different martial art styles for the watchers to enjoy.
8. Fist of the North Star

And for this entry, we have our first real bruce lee rip off character. Fist of the North Star is a archetype anime from the belatedly 80s and is one of the near memed animes on the entire internet and that'southward proverb something.
While past today'due south standards the action in Fist of the North Star isn't anywhere near the best, it was nifty for its fourth dimension. Truthful to whatsoever Bruce Lee inspired graphic symbol, Kenshiro sports the dragons hair and even copies some of his fighting style and mannerisms, most chiefly the watas that Bruce Lee was famous for screaming.
The fights in the show aren't the best in all honesty but information technology has a lot to do with how strong Kenshiro actually is, I mean he can punch down buildings and if he touches yous in one case, you explode. The show nonetheless manages to get some skillful fights and nonetheless shows off a good corporeality of technique, with getting manner too crazy.
seven. Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple

Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple is probably the anime that focuses the most on training in multiple different styles of martial arts. The show besides invokes heavy Karate Kid vibes with Kenichi starting off as a pocket-sized 90 pound weakling at the beginning and then going on to become strong and a badass in his own rite.
Like mentioned early on the prove from the very beginning shows of a wide variety of styles, with Kenichi existence trained past masters of Jiu-Jitsu, Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Karate and weapons forms. Nosotros really get to see Kenichi'south progression in the serial, not only in his martial arts skills but likewise in his physique and mentality, which both become noticeably stronger and more powerful, which is a common journey for martial artists.
half-dozen. Megalo box

Aye, Boxing is a martial art and get used to information technology considering y'all are going to be seeing it a few more than times on this very list. Megalo Box was a surprise to me when I starting time saw information technology because at the fourth dimension I really couldn't sympathize the main concept of information technology but later on giving it a risk I was happy I did.
In terms of its accuracy to the sugariness science that is boxing, the author obviously took some liberties, beginning and foremost the augmentations that most fighters apply going into their matches. these augmentations are used to increase fighters forcefulness, endurance and agility and almost every boxer uses these, except for the main protagonist "Gearless Joe"
While these augmentations do put our hero at a disadvantage, they don't really modify the manner that people fight all too much. The Battle in the show is very similar to what yous would see in real life, with proper jabs and hooks and the strategies real fighters would use.
Overall this perfect underdog story is a great watch for any action anime fan or boxer and if you honey the 90s anime aesthetic this is definitely something to checkout.
5. Baki

Afterward a most 18 yr-long hiatus, Netflix brought u.s. the 3rd season of Baki: The Grappler, simply title Baki. The show is an extreme and over the tiptop martial arts anime that is just oozing with testosterone and fighting energy.
The Manga that the show is based on is written by Keisuke Itagaki, who was a member of the Japanese military and an amateur boxer, also every bit a practitioner of Shorinji Kempo. Itagaki has a deep love of fighting and combat and it shows in his work on Baki.
The show features a ton of different martial arts styles, some real and some fabricated for the evidence that are based on real styles, like Shin Shin Kai Karate being based on Kyokushin Karate. The show features really interesting and artistic fight scenes, some are hand to manus, some include weapons and some are sport fashion bouts similar judo sparring, this fashion the fights are never stale.
four. Levius

Levius has a very like premise to Megalo Box, merely I believe that overall Levius is a better anime and a better representation of the sport of boxing also. Kickoff off, the metal arms don't really change the way they fight too much, for the most part, the boxing is pretty like to the real affair. The only real alter to actual boxing is the set limit of steam that the fighters have in their artillery, that function kind of like stamina confined in a manner.
The boxing is as authentic equally one can get with the setting the Levius provides. The show doesn't stray too far from actual battle techniques bated from the occasional spin hooks and the improver of armor to the combatants, most of the techniques are accurate, admitting pretty stylized and exaggerated for effect.
While the fine art style can make the fights look stylized, they are all the same accurate but the most accurate part of Levius is the preparation, where they show the titular graphic symbol doing roadwork, hitting pads and heavy bags and sparring, all important parts of a boxers training.
3. The God Of High School

The God of High School anime seemingly came out of nowhere being a part of Crunchyroll's deal with Webtoon. While most anime fans didn't know what to expect, fans of the Manhwa knew this was going to be great. God of Loftier School delivers some of the cleanest action that nosotros have seen in recent years with its stellar animation and neat art fashion.
The show highlights a ton of real-globe martial arts including Taekwondo, Karate, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and fifty-fifty sword fighting styles. Now we said at the outset of this list that nosotros didn't desire to feature shows that rely heavily on superpowers over martial arts. God of High School makes the cut because it uses its powers, known as Charyeok, to help amplify the martial arts techniques or show u.s.a. new ones and non just requite the character's energy blasts.
This manner of using Charyeok kept the action smooth and intense at the same time, letting usa meet the very concrete struggle that the characters were having in every fight.
ii. Kengan Ashura

Kengan Ashura was a surprise smash hit that came to us in late 2019 and as a fan of martial arts and of people punching each other in the face up, I couldn't be happier with this series.
This series takes place in a world where companies, mainly in Nihon, settle disputes with one on one combat and largely revolves effectually a tournament to see who will get head of the organization that hosts the fights. While the joke is that this is just a rip off of Baki and information technology's true that Kengan probably wouldn't exist without Baki, I believe that it outshines its predecessor in many ways.
First is the characterization, most of the characters in the chief cast are actually interesting and virtually of those characters get their moments, whether cool or funny and the characters have their own motivations for competing in the tournament.
Where Kengan Ashura really sets itself apart from Baki. at least for me, is in its fight scenes, which are far more down to earth and accurate to the styles that are represented. Kengan Ashura showcases a fair amount of more than obscure martial arts, similar Myanmar Lethwei and Baritsu, also as more well-known arts like Boxing and Judo. The Prove has it'southward fair share of fictional styles also similar the Niko Fashion and Ballet fighting, simply all of the made-upward styles have inspiration from real ones and utilize actual techniques, that make it a must-lookout for any weeb martial artists
i. Hajime no Ippo

This anime has one of the most accurate fictional displays of boxing y'all will always notice in any media that isn't a documentary, hell, it'due south more authentic to boxing than some documentaries. The serial is written by Jyoji Morikawa, who himself is a boxer and even owns a boxing gym in japan and is often a cornerman for some Japanese fighters, then it'due south rubber to say that he knows boxing. Every technique, training method and strategy is accurate, albeit super exaggerated.
The Hitman style won't turn your arm into a ophidian that smacks your opponent, but it is a real style, near famously used by 50-0 pro-Floyd Mayweather. The show also makes references to a ton of real-world boxers like Mike Tyson and Jack Dempsy, who are the people that Ippo gets his fashion from.
Bated from simply the authentic fighting, Hajime No Ippo is incredibly accurate to the training of a boxer. Ippo and the other fighters all railroad train in the aforementioned mode that professional person boxers do, including sparring rounds, running, shadow boxing, hit pads and a bunch of conditioning to increase stamina.
The show has neat fight scenes and astonishing animation during those scenes, all this bundled with an inspiring story and amazing characterization and you have a must-spotter in the action anime genre.
Source: https://quotetheanime.com/recommendations/best-real-martial-arts-anime/
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